New England Swimming 2007 Annual Meeting

Wellesley Community Center

Wellesley, Massachusetts

May 5, 2007


[These minutes were approved at the May 10, 2008 annual meeting.]


Meeting called to order at 9:04 a.m. by Chairman Ray Grant (SSA).


Secretary’s Report, Kathy Dacey (BGSC):  Minutes of the 2006 Annual Meeting were reviewed.  Motion made to accept the minutes by Bob Gauvin (SCA), second by Laura Matuszak (GMA), motion passes.


Officer’s Reports:  Ray Grant, Chairman (SSA):  Chairman Grant (SSA) reports that the number of members of New England Swimming has increased from last year, and predicts that this will be a productive year for New England Swimming.  The calendar will be challenging because the number of long course pools is down; New England Swimming will be affected by the fact that Brown University’s facility is closed for an undetermined period of time.


United States Swimming has initiated the background check program, and New England was one of the first to implement it throughout our Association.  The program has been adhered to well, and there have been few issues.


New England Swimming is sending several delegates to national level meetings; Laura Matuszak (GMA) and Ray Grant (SSA) will be attending the Eastern Zone meeting, and Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) will be attending the General Chair’s meeting May 18-20 in Omaha. 


Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) reports that the minutes from this meeting should be available in draft form on the website next month.


Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) wants the New England Swimming community to know how blessed we are to have Mary Riddell running the office for New England Swimming.  She is a wealth of information and a valuable resource for our Association.  New England must brace itself for Mary’s eventual retirement and begin to plan accordingly.  Questions remain about how New England will address issues such as a permanent office (as the office is now in Mary Riddell’s home) and employing a new person to run the office, dealing with issues such as health insurance, benefits and rent/lease issues.


Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) feels that this is the time for New England Swimming to question as to how to grow our endowment and plan for the future so that we can be prepared for substantially higher expenses. 


Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) discussed the fact that NE is struggling with facilities.  One facility which NE has used, and has become fiscally prohibative is MIT.  MIT is a business, as is NES.  The NE Open which was held over 4 days resulted in a bill of $28,000 from MIT, with revenues of $21,000.  There was a loss of $7,000, which NES had to cover.  The Association can no longer continue to absorb this type of loss.  Additionally, Fire Marshals in Cambridge are going to restrict the number of athletes allowed on deck, reducing the number to 350 athletes for LC, 250 for SC.  This reduction in revenue will create even larger problems in limiting the competition, reducing revenue and potentially causing teams to select to attend an out of district meet. 


Administrative VP, Bob Gauvin (SCA), Calendar Committee:  the ’07 LC calendar is posted with 3 new meets.  Bob Gauvin (SCA) commented that the Age Group Chair and the Senior Chair are up for election today, and these are important positions for the calendar.  Bob Gauvin (SCA) thanked his committee for their tireless work and dedication to providing New England Swimming with the best opportunities possible.


Josh Stern, Senior Chairman (BOSS):  Josh Stern (BOSS) wants the Senior Committee to have a vision for more than one year.  The current lack of facilities in New England is a large and looming issue.  The national calendar will see some changes, and the Association should adjust accordingly.  Unfortunately, due to a lack of quality facilities, New England will see some championship meets at sub-par facilities.


Age Group Chairman Laura Matuszak (GMA):  This is the last of 6 years for Laura Matuzack (GMA) in this position, and Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) thanked Laura Matuzack (GMA) for her tireless work and dedication to the position.  Laura Matuzack (GMA) thanked Ray Grant (SSA) and Mary Riddell (NE-Office) for their support and guidance during her tenure.  She also thanked the Age Group Committee for always being helpful and diligent in their efforts on behalf of our Association.  Laura Matuzack (GMA) feels that consistent meet formats are a big improvement, that cut times off of national standards present true goals, and the framework for the committee is available and well written.  She is proud of the group project efforts and the outstanding results. 


Senior Coach Representative Matt Craven (SAC):  This position has been an improving and evolving position, with information and input now moving in the right directions. 


Officials Chairman Scott Doty (PSC):  Scott Doty (PSC) thanked Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) and Mary Riddell (NE-Office) for their help, guidance and support.  Scott Doty (PSC) feels that the quality of officiating in New England has improved, and we now have over 35o officials, with 100 starters, 60 referees, and 200 stroke and turn officials.  The group is always looking to recruit new and interested people who want to work meets and support NE Swimming.  New England Swimming sent two up and coming officials (Bill McElhaney (NSSC) and Joan Beisel (ABF) to Colorado for intensive training.  New England Swimming is reminded that observations at high school and college and non-USS meets must have a request made – such observations are not automatic.  Requests should be made to either Scott Doty (PSC) or Rosemarie Meissner (GMSC).  Officials are reminded that they are to be recertified every 2 years.  Fortunately for New England, Sectionals have been held in New England for the past two years, which increase our official’s abilities to train at top level meets.


Scott Doty (PSC) would like to transition out of the committee chair position but remain active on the committee. 


New England has been asked to nominate a member of the NE Swimming Official’s committee for the Maxwell Award, a national award which recognizes outstanding officiating within our association and also at a national level.  This award goes to a great official and recognizes dedication to the profession to someone who is a mentor.  This award has been presented to Paul Maker (UN-NE).  Paul Maker (UN-NE) came to the podium and thanked the New England Association for its support and recognition of his efforts. 


Athlete’s Representative, Sophia Slote (SNAP):  Applications for the new Junior Athlete Representative are now available on the website.  The athletes felt that the meets were well run and the season was successful.  Applications for the scholarship to be awarded by NES will be available soon.


Technical Committee, Dan Warner (NSSC):  No report at this time.  Dan Warner (NSSC) thanked the members of his committee for their hard work and diligence.


Safety and Adaptive, Priscilla Davis (UN-NE):  Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) is now the Chair of the National Adaptive Committee.  The Safety Committee is looking for nominations for the Keifer award, if any member of the community feels they have a nominee; please contact Priscilla Davis (UN-NE) directly.  A reminder is made to all coaches, parents, meet managers and safety marshals that there are NO video cameras or auditory recording equipment allowed in locker rooms. 


Treasurer’s Report, Carol Healey (SAC):  As of 5/5/07:

                        Checking Account:                               $115,429.78

                        Columbia Management Account:           $120,876.29


Registration, Mary Riddell (NE-Office): 

                                                2005                6,555 members

                                                2006                6,574 members

                                                2007                6,300 (+/-) as of May 5th


There are 91 registered clubs, with 932 non-athlete registrants, which is lower in 2007 than was registered in 2006.  New England is reminded that the fees remain the same, but the registration cut which NE gets to keep is reduced, so revenue is reduced this year.  A reminder is made that the cost for a Life Membership is being increased, so is anyone is interested, this would be the year to do it.  A reminder is made that if an athlete is receiving a free lunch through a school program, they are eligible to register for $5.00; for more information contact the office.  Mary Riddell (NE-Office) as registration chairman attended a conference in Tucson, AZ which contained information on on-line registration and other hot topics for registration chairman. 


Annual Budget, presented by Chairman Ray Grant (SSA):  Chairman Grant (SSA) commented that the management of the Association’s finances has been superb.  Carol Healey (SAC) and Joe Frazier (BGSC) have worked diligently and thoroughly to prepare this year’s budget.  The budget is presented to the members, motion made to accept the budget by Laura Matuzack (GMA), second by Scott Doty (PSC), motion to accept the budget as proposed passes.


Unfinished Business:  None


Elections:  Mariella Allard (UN-NE) presented the slate and nominations accepted from the floor.  Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) allowed candidates to speak to the members.  Following elections for contested positions all ballots were destroyed.  The secretary cast one vote for uncontested positions.  Following elections for the contested positions, the newly elected officers are as follows:


            Treasurer:                                             Carol Healey (SAC)


Senior Chairman (one year term):          Josh Stern


Age Group Chairman:                           Matt Craven


Technical Planning Chairman:                Laura Matuzack


Nominating Committee:                         Mariella Allard

                                                                        Everett Crosscup

                                                                        Jeff Johnson

                                                                        Bruce Mohl

                                                                        Pam Warner


Board of Review:                                  Priscilla Davis

                                                                        Ray J. Grant

                                                                        Bruce Mohl


Alternates:                    Kathy Oates-Dacey

                                                                        Ben Daus-Haberle


Mariella Allard (UN-NE) congratulated all who will be serving New England Swimming in the upcoming year, and reminded the Association that next year is a major election year and that there will be issues regarding organizational structure.  Anyone interested in serving on the Board should let their interests be known.


Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) thanked Dan Warner, Technical Committee Chairman (NSSC) for his years of service and for chairing an excellent committee which has served the needs of the New England Swimming Community well. 


Additionally there will be five At-Large positions, as well as Age Group Committee, Senior Chairman Committee and Technical Committee member positions available.  These appointed positions will be announced at the June, 2007 Board meeting. 


Chairman Ray Grant (SSA) hopes that everyone has a successful summer season and thanked all for coming.  Motion made to adjourn the meeting by Bob Gauvin (SCA), 2nd by Laura Matuszak, motion passes.  Meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Kathy Oates-Dacey

Secretary, New England Swimming