Special Procedure for New England Open Championship Cuts
made at the Greenwood Memorial Swim Meet July 28, 2001

The question arose whether new cuts made at the Greenwood meet (weekend of July 27) would be accepted for the New England Open Championship (deadline for this meet's entries is July 24).  It has been the policy of New England Swimming,  in the past, to accept late entries  from end-of-season meets that are on the New England calendar.  Therefore, new cuts only will be accepted and need to be emailed by Monday, July 30 to pcswim@providence.edu no later than 12:00 p.m.  Swimmers entering times from this meet will not show on the psych sheet, but will be entered in the meet.  Payment for entries should be submitted to the meet director at the championship meet.  As of Wednesday evening there was still room for more entries.  Contact the Greenwood entry person for more information.