The Cape Cod Swim Club
Age Group and Senior Team Specialty Meet
December 15, 2001

   Name of Team: __________________________________________________ Code Letters:__________

 Team Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________

 Coach:____________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________

 Contact Person:_____________________________________________ Phone:_______________________

  Number of Entries:   

            Computer Entries (add $0.50 per splash for paper entries):

                        Girls                _____  x $2.50 = __________

                        Boys                 _____ x $2.50 = __________          

   TOTAL  __________

 Entry Deadline:  Dec. 1, 2001

 Please make checks payable to: Friends of the CCSC

Mailing Address:     P.O. Box 966, Pocasset, MA  02559-0966

Any swimmer whose entry is accepted, will for himself, his heirs or executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages he/she may have against USA Swimming, New England Swimming, The Cape Cod Swim Club, The Massachusetts Maritime Academy, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for any and all injuries suffered by him/her at said meet.


Signature: Authorized Team Official          _____________________________

Names and phone numbers of Certified Officials from your club:  ____________________________________